About Harmor Window Cleaning

As a professional window cleaning company, Harmor Window Cleaning provides a range of top-notch services that are accompanied by a host of additional benefits such as...

· Window cleaning

1. Wiping water from window frames and sills.

2. Removal of pesky cobwebs.

3. Cutting-edge equipment and eco-friendly

4. Green cleaning products to ensure that your windows are left sparkling and pristine in the most efficient and environmentally responsible way possible.

5. Priority scheduling

6. Simple scheduling

7. Simple quotes in minutes

8. dedicated personalized proposals in 24 hours

9. a gaurentee to wipe you off your feet

10. insured company

11. Inside and outside window cleaning

12. exterior only services

13. multiple service specials

14. uniformed employee

15. sms on the way

16. finacing available for services over $500

17. A simple service agreement to keep everyone on the same page

18. the ability to add on other services


With Harmor Window Cleaning, you can rest assured that your windows will receive the best care and attention possible.